Fish Tale Group Theatre Productions

The Story of Judas

This monologue probes the mind of history's most infamous traitor, sharing the compelling story of a man who had every good intention, but through his own arrogance and disillusionment with Jesus made a devastating mistake. Or was it fate? Judas looks over the audience and laments, "Everyone in this room owes their life to me for what I did that night!" In a plea to God for leniency, he says, "I didn't ask for this! You used me!"
Judas explains his actions this way: he truly thought he was advancing God's plan for Jesus. He believed with absolutely certain that Jesus was the promised Messiah who would expel foreign invaders and restore the Throne of David. By setting Jesus up to stand trial, Judas expected that Jesus would save himself by revealing his divine power and starting a holy war. Clearly, things did not go according to plan. Judas admits after seeing Jesus on the cross: "I might have made a mistake. A terrible, terrible mistake."

Maxwell says about writing this monologue, "Judas is someone every Christian is forced to deal with around the Easter celebration. What do you do with the most reviled villain in the Bible? There is a case to make for him. Was he responsible for his destiny?"